The Marketplace is a to-the-trade showroom. Contact your interior designer, architect or builder to visit.
Select Vendor Partners will meet with retail customers by appointment, schedule an appointment here.
Industry Focus Groups
You have been invited to participate in an intimate focus group to help identify the products, brands and services most desired by the Austin design community. Please select one of the sessions below. Note that participation is by invitation only, please contact Anita if you'd like to refer a employee or colleague to participate.
If possible, please fill out this 5-minute survey in advance to help us guide the discussion.
Participation is limited to 8 per session. If you cannot make one of the sessions below but would like to give your input, please email Anita to set up a phone call.
Thursday, June 18th
Friday, June 19th
10:00-11:00 AM
Monday, June 22nd